Start from: 15:36
Start from: 9:33
By a far the hardest and yet best part of my setup is my desk. As I want to be able to get behind my desk, I need space to go around it, however if I wanted a seamless looking flow between both the main and second desk I could not get behind the desk. After a while of brainstorming I thought about how bars/clubs have folding counter-tops/tables that serve that exact purpose that I need. I did manage to implement something like this into my setup, however it is not as seamless as I would like it to be. In order to support the weight of the items on top of the folding part, I needed to put a desk leg under it, along with brackets from the second desk holding it up. This makes it a big hassle to move it down, as I need to move the second desk, unscrew the desk leg, and unfold the folding part. Not to mention that I need to move everything off the top of it and redo the cable management around that area when I do.
The main desk itself has a completely custom back, allowing for all cables to be hidden. I got a huge wooden plank and cut each piece to size based on a 3D mock up that I made. Then sanded, painted and put it all together with my Dad’s help. The countertop, alex draws and custom back are all one. The custom back makes it really easy to hide cables there and still be close to the devices on top of the desk. Not only this but both the main and secondary desk use wheels, allowing me to easily move them around. I did try to improve my cable management, even though it is hidden behind the custom back, however it is hard to do so when you have as many devices as I do, and when they are all over the desks.
The centerpiece of the setup is now a mix of my hip screw and my logo. The screw is centered within the logo, framing it, whilst the logo is centered with the monitors and main desk contrasting them both, bringing your attention down. The four top posters act as a way to frame the logo/screw, bringing more attention to it, whilst getting rid of the white space on the wall and showing off my interests. I made the posters in photoshop and printed them out at Kmart.
I always like to listen to my music or watch things whilst playing games, and for the games that I play that I am unable to play on my PC I use the consoles, however I cant listen to both at once though the same audio device, or so I thought. I am using the HDMI switches output, extracting the audio and sending the signal through to my PCs line in. Then I turned on ‘Listen to the audio device’ in sound settings, therefore all sound coming through my HDMI switch is going through the PC, and the line in is able to be adjusted like other apps, allowing me to lower/raise the audio levels of the consoles within windows itself.
I am not keen on how my fan looks within the setup, however I get hot quite easily when being in a small room with 5 monitors and a PC, not to mention that fact that I live in Australia, so I do kinda have to have it there.
I would have used the mic arm that I was using before, and it would have been a lot more convenient, however I did not have any room to do so and still have it be able to reach me. So whenever I need to use my microphone I just move it closer to me.
My family has helped me along the way. My Sister put up with me, my Mum helped me with all of the decorating and helped me choose what looks good where, and finally my Dad, helping with many aspects from going to the hardware shop, and helping my build my desks, finding unique ideas for the construction of them and some technical help from time to time.